Sabinsa Expands IP Portfolio with Five New U.S. Patents, Two CII Awards for IP Portfolio, and Dr. Majeed Honored by IASTAM
Sabinsa ends the year with more good news about achievements. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) recognized the Sami-Sabinsa Group…

Sabinsa’s Macumax® Formula Demonstrates Vision Health Benefits in Published Study
Sabinsa’s proprietary formulation Macumax® was shown to have vision health benefits in a clinical trial on subjects diagnosed…

Sabinsa Founder Honored by ASSOCHAM for Lifetime Achievement
Dr. Muhammed Majeed, Founder and Chairman, Sami-Sabinsa Group was honored with a lifetime achievement award…

Sabinsa Founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed Publishes Fourth Book on Boswellia
Dr. Muhammed Majeed, Founder and Chairman, Sami-Sabinsa Group has recently published the fourth book in a series on derivatives of Boswellia serrata…

Sabinsa Continues the Fight Against Adulterated Vitamin C in Food and Beverage Products by Alerting Regulatory Agencies
Sabinsa, a pioneer in the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industry, has provided documentation to appropriate government…

Sabinsa Providing Glyphosate Test Results with Ingredients
Sabinsa, a pioneer in nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industry, is offering glyphosate test results to customers…

Sabinsa Granted Patent in Mexico on Boswellin® PS for Inflammation
Sabinsa, a pioneer in the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries, has expanded its large portfolio of intellectual property…

Sabinsa Granted Three New Patents in Canada, Including uC3 Clear® Water Soluble Curcumin
Sabinsa, a pioneer in nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industry, has strengthened its market position in Canada with the grant of three new patents…

Dr. Majeed Foundation Distributes 5,500 Rice Bags to Needy Communities in Karnataka, India
Disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic have caused hardship across the world, with the poorest people in India hit particularly hard …

Sabinsa Granted Patent on a Combination of the Company’s Ingredients for Hair Growth in Mexico
Sabinsa, the leading nutraceutical ingredients company with patents throughout the world, has expanded its portfolio of intellectual property …

Sabinsa Publishes Study Evaluating Hair Health Serum in Trial of Adults Hair Thinning and Loss
A clinical study on Sabinsa’s patented hair serum formulation was found to significantly improve hair fall and thinning…

Research on Sabinsa’s Cosmeceutical LactoSporin® Showing Anti-Acne Benefits Among the First Published Human Clinical Studies Examining a Probiotic Metabolite
As Sabinsa’s R&D Scientists expanded their understanding of probiotics, and developed new products based upon that increased knowledge…

Sabinsa Issues Cease & Desist Letter Regarding Mischaracterized Amla Extracts to Applied Food Sciences
Sabinsa has sent a cease & desist letter to Applied Food Sciences (AFS) for making claims of high levels of natural vitamin C in that company’s branded amla (Emblica officinalis) extract...…

Sabinsa Introduces LivLonga®, a New Patented Combination for Liver Support
Sabinsa, the pioneer of ingredients conceived by modern science drawing from traditional Ayurvedic knowledge, announces…

Sabinsa Earns Non-GMO Project Verification for Eleven Key Ingredients
Sabinsa is pleased to announce that several of the company’s ingredients have been N…

Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® with BioPerine® Shown to Improve Cytokine Level
Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex®, the #1 clinically studied curcumin brand on the market, is the subject of a recently published study on its effect, combined with BioPerine®, on serum cytokine…

Dr. Majeed Foundation Makes Significant Contributions to Combat COVID-19 in India, Including $1.32 Million to PM CARES Fund
Sabinsa founder and chairman Dr. Muhammed Majeed presents check to PM CARES Fund…

Sabinsa Warns Industry Against Mischaracterized Amla Extracts
Material Claiming Naturally High Amounts of Vitamin C IRMS-Tested, Establishing It as Non-Amla, Fermentation Source…

Research Review of Curcumin’s Immune Benefits by Sabinsa Founder Dr. Muhammed Majeed Published
In these uncertain days of the highly contagious coronavirus, the absence of pharmaceutical intervention in the form of…

Sabinsa's pTeroWhite® Subject of Two New Published Studies Reporting Anti-Aging, Skin Brightening, and SPF Benefits
Two new studies have recently been published on the topical benefits of Sabinsa’s pTeroWhite® natural pteros…

Sami-Sabinsa Group Celebrates Three Prestigious Awards From ASSOCHAM
Sami-Sabinsa Group, a pioneer and global leader in health science, was honored with three awards by the Associated Cham…

Sabinsa to Feature Dispersible Curcumin and Functional GRAS Ingredients at Expo West
Shaheen Majeed, President Worldwide, to speak about sustainability
Sabinsa will demon…

Sabinsa’s Parent Company Sami Labs Breaks Ground on $30 Million USD State-of-the-Art Production Facility in India
Sami-Sabinsa Group hosted a ground-breaking ceremony, on January 20, 2020, for a new Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients …